I told more than a few people that the only people to trust on the subject of Iran and their nuclear ambitions, the only reasoned voices, were Dr. Jeffrey Lewis at Harvard and Ray Takeyh at the Council on Foreign Relations. Well, Dr. Lewis's blog, ArmsControlWonk, has drunk the kool-aid. Recent stories on Iran are completely one-sided and include all sorts of scare-mongering phrases like "a worrying development." According to Ahmadinejad, they are
one year ahead of their reporting requirements, and the IAEA will be able to inspect the facility, but for Andreas Persbo, this is "worrying."
Even Jeffrey jumps on the scare-monger bandwagon, with his suggestion that the Qom site "ought to put the focus of our policy back on getting more access to the Iranian program to detect and deter the construction of undeclared facilities[.]" For a moment, since there is no evidence to the contrary, let's take the Iranians at face value, and say that this is a facility for producing reactor fuel. If so, Iran had every right to build it, and, no requirement to declare it before the shovels hit soil.
Are we really going to get into the business of stopping legal things? Dr. Lewis doesn't leave me much wiggle room in interpreting his remarks.
Persbo suggests that any smuggling from Esfahan to Qom would be detectable by the IAEA, but he ignores the fact that the IAEA has already been invited to Qom.
Dr. Lewis writes "This is the scenario we’ve been warning about all along." but, if Iran is to be believed and the facility is for a nuclear power plant, what exactly are we being warned about?"